Sponsor Responsibilities

Congratulations! You have been chosen by a young person for a very special role. A wonderful adventure in the spiritual life awaits the two of you. As a Confirmation sponsor, you have accepted a responsibility that is an honor in our Church. Already, you are looked at by your candidate as a role-model in the Catholic Church and I want to acknowledge you as a witness of Jesus Christ.

Your role is to spiritually walk with the candidate during the preparation for the sacrament. You will be assisting the young person in being a true witness and disciple of Jesus and representing the community when you present your candidate to the bishop. Your special role does not end at the Confirmation liturgy; you will help the young person fulfill his/her baptismal promises after Confirmation with the help of the Holy Spirit.

What does it mean to be a sponsor? What does my role entail?

Be assured, being a sponsor is do-able and you can do it!
1. Your candidate has a Confirmation Sponsor Form that is due to the youth minister, Associate DRE at SSM, by TBD. This form includes contact information for you, including your home parish, home address, phone number and email address. If you are not sure if your candidate has the best phone number and email address for you, please contact him/her and verify. Sponsors will be contacted when important upcoming events are taking place.

    •If you are NOT from SSM, the pastor of your church must send a letter to SSM(c/o Ashley Weaver, 1544 Battlefield Blvd S, Chesapeake, VA 23322), attesting that you are an active Catholic in good standing with the Church and meet the Church’s requirements to be a sponsor.

2. Pray for your candidate and for yourself. As the candidate decides to be confirmed, he or she needs spiritual strength. Your prayers are important, but do not forget to pray for yourself also, that you can share why you value and practice your Catholic Faith. Attend Mass together, spend a day or a short time praying together, or even have the courage to go to Reconciliation together.

3. Attend the Rite of Welcome with your candidate on TBD.

4. While Confirmation does not require service hours, consider working together on a service project at SSM. Share with the candidate the importance of serving others. Look for opportunities to help those in need and make a day of it. Afterwards, reflect with the candidate about how they felt about the experience before and after. Encourage the candidate in reaching out to others in need.

5. Be intentional about ongoing mentorship. You were chosen by this candidate because they see in you a quality of faith they wish to emulate. We encourage you to schedule regular ‘check-ins’ with your candidate throughout their high school year. This can be done in person or on the phone. Also check out the ‘15 Tips for Sponsors‘ page on this website for more tips on how to connect with your candidate.

6. Attend the Confirmation Rehearsal (TBD) and the Confirmation Liturgy (TBD). More information to follow.

7. Do not forget this newly Confirmed young Catholic. After Confirmation day, remember his/her birthday and the anniversary of the Confirmation day. Send a card or make a phone call. Continue to worship together, or from time to time, do some Christian service. Put those ‘Gifts of the Spirit’ into practice.

Again, thank you for saying “yes” to journeying with a candidate to the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the youth minister at the Parish Office at 757-421-7416 x309.

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